
How many hobbies have I been through? Lets see if I can remember some or all of them. For a time I collected antique kitchen stuff, books, cameras, old small engines, raised chickens, tried my hand at restoration of old trucks, model making (as a kid) I was a dooms day prep dude, I collected watches……. and there must have been others but I cant think of them now. However, a divorce and a few busted relationships later, most of that stuff is gone now except the chickens and the second round of cameras.

I started reading Jim Grey’s blog, Down The Road, and it inspired me to give this a try, why not its free (so far) and I can afford free. If you haven’t read his blog it’s good stuff, especially if your life has seen long periods of personal demolition and reconstruction.

This is new to me today as it happens so I have yet to decide if it is for me or not. Only one way to find out. Time to clean the hen house, Later.

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